The Twenty-Seventh Annual Assembly of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, will be held at the Franconia Mennonite Church, 613 Harleysville Pike (Route 113), Telford, PA 18969.

Registration after March 18, 2014 is $155.00.
Final Registration Deadline is April 4, 2014.
For Voting Members, Non-Retired Rostered Leaders, Interims and SMO Executives
The following documents need to be reviewed before registering as a non-retired rostered leader, voting member and visitor/guest.
Non-Retired Rostered Leaders of the Synod, Interim Pastors, Chief Executives of Synod-related Social Ministry Organizations, Agencies and Institutions, Committee Chairpersons please use the following Documents -- Non Retired Registration Information
To those registering congregational voting members please remember to return the Voting Member Certification Form after you have completed your registration online. If you are mailing in payment it is best to return this form along with your check.
All Non-Retired Rostered Leader are voting members and are expected to attend the Assembly. If you cannot attend, it is your responsibility to communicate with the Bishop and provide and excused absence reason.
For Retired Rostered Leaders, Lay Synod Council and Staff, Guests
The following documents need to be reviewed if you are registering as Retired Rostered Leader, Lay Synod Council (not serving as a congregational voting member), Synod Staff, Resource Persons and Guests -- Retired, Lay Synod Council and others Registration Materials