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April 26, 2014

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Helping Hands Day 2014
Helping Hands Day 2014 is April 26th, 2014. Our theme will be “Right Now” based off of Nelson Mandela’s quote, “The time is always ripe to do right”. We’ll be “doing right” at various agencies on our SEPA Synod territory.

A new twist on Helping Hands Day this year will be the opportunity for a limited number of individual adults and younger children to participate at sites packing meals with Stop Hunger Now.
Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 10:00 AM
Attendees: 1 $ 20.00 ea.
Attendees: 1 No Charge

© Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA | 7241 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19119 | 267.323.3737